In the love duet with Adriano in the first act and in the big duet with Rienzi in the fifth act she sets new standards, in which for this role such difficult splits must be done between belcantest effortless ornaments and dramatic penetrating power.
In the love duet with Adriano in the first act and in the big duet with Rienzi in the fifth act she sets new standards, in which for this role such difficult splits must be done between belcantest effortless ornaments and dramatic penetrating power.

Her warm soprano has opulence, earthing, heat and articulated grief with flexible and heavenly high notes.
Camila Ribero-Souza beginnt ihre 2024/2025 Spielzeit als Senta, in der Wiederaufnahme Barbora Horákovás wunderschöne Inszenierung von Wagners Der Fliegende Holländer, und als Giorgetta in der Wiederaufnahme Dirk Schmedings berührende Produktion von Puccinis Il Trittico, beide am Deutschen Nationaltheater Weimar. In November 2024 wird sie eine ihrer lieblingsrollen wieder beleben - die Eis-Prinzessin Turandot, in einer nagelneuen Produktion Puccinis letztes Meisterstück am Theater Trier; und in Februar 2025 findet Ribero-Souzas langersehnten Rollendebüt als Santuzza statt, in Mascagnis wunderschöne Oper Cavalleria Rusticana, am Theater Altenburg-Gera.
Camila Ribero-Souza starts her 2024/2025 Season as Senta, in the revival of Barbora Hvoraká's beautiful production of Wagner´s Der Fliegende Holländer, and as Giorgetta (Il Tabarro) in the revival of Dirk Schmeding's touching production of Puccini's Il Trittico, both at the Deutsche Nationaltheater, in Weimar. In November 2024 she re-visits one of her favourite roles, the icy princess Turandot, in a brand new production of Puccini's last masterpiece at the Theatre Trier, and in February 2025, a very longed for role-debut as Santuzza, in Mascagni´s beautiful Cavalleria Rusticana, at the Theater Altenburg-Gera.

Giorgetta in Il Tabarro
D: Dirk Schmeding
C: Dominik Beykirch / Andreas Wolf
D: Barbora Horáková
C: Andreas Wolf
D: Barbora Horáková
C: Christoph Gedschold
Giorgetta in Il Tabarro
D: Dirk Schmeding
C: Dominik Beykirch / Andreas Wolf
Giorgetta in Il Tabarro
D: Dirk Schmeding
C: Dominik Beykirch / Andreas Wolf
Principessa Turandot
D: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
D: Barbora Horáková
C: Dominic Limburg
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
D: Barbora Horáková
C: Dominik Beykirch / Andreas Wolf
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
First Lady
D: Joseph E. Köpplinger
C: Katharina Müllner
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana (debut in role)
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Principessa Turandot
R: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Principessa Turandot
Regie: Lajos Wenzel
C: Jochem Hochstenbach
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein
Santuzza, in Cavalleria Rusticana
D: Kay Kunze
C: Ruben Gazarian / Thomas Wicklein


To contact Camila Ribero-Souza personally:
PR-Management artist communication
Heinrich-Zille-Str. 19
D - 15711 Zeesen (near Berlin)
PHONE +49 (0) 3375 – 5249877
+49 (0) 3375 - 5249878
FAX +49 (0) 3375 – 5249879
MAIL info@mennicken-pr.com
Walter Vladarski
Döblinger Hauptstraße 57/18
A-1190 Vienna (Austria)
PHONE: +43 1 368 69 60 / 61
E-Mail: opera@vladarski.com